How Your Website Is Conflicting With Your Brand

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Your website and social media are an extension of your brand. It’s where your brand goes live so that when you go offline, your website and social media will continue to market on your behalf.

If your website represents your brand, then it’s important that your website and brand complement each other. But that’s not always the case. Here are 4 ways that your website could be conflicting with your brand:

1. It doesn’t reflect your personality or vibe

Perhaps it’s because of the professional background a lot of us came from, but I know when I first created my website I got caught in the trap of thinking that my website was supposed to be ‘super professional’.

But here’s the problem: If everybody is trying to have a professional website then that means many websites will end up looking very similar. This means that in order to create a website that impresses your website visitors, you have to think outside the box.

And the easiest way to do this is to create a website and brand that captures your personality and vibe. Which makes you stand out in your ideal client’s mind.

2. The value and care you give your clients aren’t reflected on your website

One of my clients once said to me that when she created her website on her own, she had done the best she could (and she had done great). But she felt like her ideal clients needed and deserved more than her best. And that’s why working with a designer was important to her.

So if you were, to be honest, do you feel like your website and brand currently serves your ideal clients?

PS: This isn’t about being perfect, which brings me to my next point.

3. You don’t feel confident sharing your website

As I was saying, it’s not about being perfect. But when you feel uncomfortable, anxious or slightly embarrassed to share your website with your people, then most likely, your website is hurting your brand. Because when your brand and website feel aligned, there won’t be these kinds of negative feelings when you share your website with your ideal clients.

In fact, you’ll be excited to share your website with them because you know your website represents your brand well.

4. It’s confusing your ideal clients

Your ideal clients will become confused if they feel a disconnection between what they see on social media vs what they see on your website.

This might happen because the website was created months or even years ago. And as a result, the changes that occurred in your brand or business, aren’t being reflected on your website.

Confusion is the enemy of an effective brand or website. Because people won’t take the next step if they are confused.

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